health, Uncategorized

January déjà vu.

Well, I’m trying but, as usual, my body has other ideas!

When I’ve lost weight before I did it with WeightWatchers and obsessively tracked every morsel that passed my lips. I don’t recommend WW for a variety of reasons but I do think tracking can be a good idea if you want to lose weight or just improve your diet. Not as a permanent measure but accurately tracking your food for a few weeks can help you understand where your excess calories are coming from or where you might have gaps in your diet that might require changes or supplements.

Anyway, I started tracking last Monday using MyFitnessPal. I really like this app for tracking but the default calorie goal is very low so if you use it – or any other tracking app – please set your own healthy, achievable goals.

As well as eating healthily I walked my dog every day after I’d dropped my daughter off at school. She can be quite a reluctant walker but she is usually happy to do a lap of the school if it’s not too cold, and there is quite a lot of incline so, even though it’s not a super long walk, it’s quite a good workout for us both (she has recently recovered from a hip injury too).

Unfortunately, my new regime only lasted until Wednesday, when I pulled a hip muscle getting out of my car.

Not 100% accurate but not far off!

It was phenomenally painful and put me out of action for a few days, and also led to me eating chocolate etc to cheer myself up. A couple of bars of chocolate are not the end of the world, but it wasn’t the best start to the year, and I was a bit worried that I was heading for a repeat of last year’s IT band injury. Luckily, after a few days of rest and an Epsom salt bath, my hip feels much better. I managed to walk the dog and take her to agility yesterday, though she is (quite understandably) hibernating today!

Ellie at agility class.

Fingers crossed it’s warmer tomorrow and I can convince her to join me for a lap!